Lecken_08 sticker by Sven Gutjahr
Lecken_08 sticker by Sven Gutjahr

Design: Sven Gutjahr


Lecken_08 sticker by Sven Gutjahr

Design: Sven Gutjahr

▇ o n t h e d e c k s ▇ 

Carmen 16

Kitmun (live)


▇ o n t h e f l o o r ▇ 

Zinzi Buchanan

▇ o n t h e s c r e e n ▇ 

curated by Lecken

▇ o n t h e w a l l s ▇ 

photography by Marc Lohr

design by Proper Space

For two years, we’ve been plugging some of Berlin’s most reputable men’s-only public sex holes with female-identifying bodies, pleasures and needs. We said: if sexual liberation is going to be inclusive, it needs to start from those who historically have had the hardest time savoring its electric delights.

But when working with the sexual, full satisfaction and perfect comprehension perpetually get pushed out of reach... LECKEN does not have a manifesto. We will always be a work in progress. An investigation. For our II-YEAR ANNIVERSARY, we recall some of the questions that have moved us from the start:

What would it take for wom*n to be done with (self-)objectification to take charge of their own sexuality and ultimately safety?

Is there something specific about “masculine" vs. “feminine" desire?

How is the binary still lived and reproduced in this so-called "last free city of the Western world"?

Can strangers be lovers?

What kinds of spaces-situations-relations could expand the gay art of cruising to other bodies?

Why do we speak so much of consent and never of self-defense?

What would a feminism of excess, idleness & trash-ness, a pervy post-work feminism look like?

Does feminism still hold a place in the non-binary queer future of our dreams?

What does it mean for sexuality to live as oriented, and can you disorient that which the body thinks it needs?

How can we smash the false safe spaces of identity politics to make a politics of truly encountering & confronting the strangeness in others & in ourselves?

Are we still reproducing the human species in an age of climate chaos? And how do love and family age in a childless future?


Lecken is a Berlin-based femme-forward sex-assertive collective for nightlife production and cultural intervention. For two years, we've been plugging some of Berlin’s most reputed men’s-only public sex holes with female-identifying bodies, pleasures and needs. Every 3 months, we host an erogenous situation with a strong commitment to the dance floor. More than ever, the special occasion of our II Year Anniversary solicits an ambitious multi-disciplinary program for the expansion of the senses & potentials...

>> As always :: DRESS the fuck UP w/o a dress code ;) >>