Lecken_02 sticker by Sven Gutjahr
Lecken_02 sticker by Sven Gutjahr

Design: Sven Gutjahr


Lecken_02 sticker by Sven Gutjahr

Design: Sven Gutjahr

Carmen 16 ft. Barbie Williams (live)


Lecken is the hybrid sex party that opens, for one night only, the legendary dark rooms of Ficken3000 also to wom*n and the people they like to f**k.

Upstairs: dance, performance, porn screenings.  Downstairs: dark rooms.  Drag and Fetish get in free

Everybody welcome: hivesex_nomadic fetishisms_masculine femininity_male-to-male drag_feminist whores_king kong_non-possessive sex_inter-sex solidarity_desire without a subject_comfortable alienation