Leck My Button 01 sticker by Naro Watanabe
Leck My Button 01 sticker by Naro Watanabe

Design: Naro Watanabe

Leck My Button 01

Leck My Button 01 sticker by Naro Watanabe

Design: Naro Watanabe

Welcome to LECK MY BUTTON. A temporary autonomous CSD extravaganza hosted by Lecken x Buttons.

Left to themselves people
grow their hair.
Left to themselves they
take off their shoe’s.
Left to themselves they make love
sleep easily
share blankets, dope & children
they are not lazy or afraid
they plant seeds, they smile, they
speak to one another. The word
coming into its own: touch of love;
on the brain, the ear.
We return with the sea, the tides
we return as often as leaves, as numerous
as grass, gentle, insistent,
we remember
the way,
our babes toddle barefoot thru the cities of the universe.

— Diane di Prima, Revolutionary Letter #4 (1968)